If you have noticed some restlessness in your dog, it could be that the dog is in pain. Pain in dogs may be caused by aches of old age, a disease, an injury or an infection. Regardless of the cause, it is important that you help him recover from the pain. Currently, there are various pain relief for dogs can help. However, it is not advisable for you to guess what may be causing the pain. Instead, you should take the dog to a vet for diagnosis.

Pain Relief for Dogs—Medications
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories are used for an array of complications in dogs. Owing to their effectiveness in relieving pain in dogs, they have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration. Some of the NSAIDs in use today include deracoxib, carprofen and meloxicam.
In some instances, veterinarians will administer narcotics as a pain relief for dogs. Some of the commonly used narcotics include codeine, tramadol, morphine, hydrocodone, buprenorphine and fentanyl. This medication is normally used for severe pain or when other pain relieving medications fail to work.
This drug is classified as one of the strongest narcotic painkillers. The main ingredient of this drug comes from the opium poppy. In most cases, it is given to aging dogs that experience discomfort constantly. Some side effects of tramadol include decreased heart rate, upset stomach, constipation and panting.
In human beings, this drug is used to treat Parkinson's disease. In dogs, the medication may be used to treat aches resulting from disk disease, cancer and arthritis. Some of the side effects associated with this drug include agitation and diarrhea.
Pepto-Bismol of the normal strength is administered to dogs to solve an array of intestinal complications, including upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting and gas. The medication should be administered after every eight hours at a dosage of .5 - 1ml per pound of weight. However, it should never be given to pregnant dogs, dogs with a bleeding disorder or dogs that are nursing. The drug is toxic in cats.
3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide
It is advisable to call a vet immediately if you suspect that your dog has swallowed something harmful. The vet will most probably advise you to administer Hydrogen Peroxide top initiate vomiting. You should administer it at a dosage of .5 - 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of weight through the mouth. It is not advisable to initiate vomiting if the dog ingested a petroleum based ointment, a cleaning product or a sharp object.
This is an over the counter oral electrolyte solution that is used to rehydrate. This solution replenishes the water lost when the dog has diarrhea or is vomiting. In addition to replenishing fluids in the body, pedialyte also replaces the necessary minerals in the body. To make the solution more palatable to the pet, it is advisable to add a low sodium bouillon cube and mix with an equal volume of water.
Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)
This drug is mostly used to reduce swelling and itching caused by allergic reactions in the dog. It may also be used to reduce motion sickness and block impulses in the vomiting center, within the brain. While the tablet is available in a 25mg dosage, it should be administered at the rate of 1 milligram per 25 pounds of body weight.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
As compared to NSAIDs, acetaminophen is not as effective in relieving mild pain in dogs. Additionally, if not administered properly, this drug can introduce toxicity in the pet. As such, acetaminophen is not commonly used, unless when combined with other medications like hydrocodone.
Pain Relief for Dogs—Herbs
Basically, Feverfew is an anti-inflammatory. It is commonly used to relieve pain in patients of arthritis and migraine. Feverfew, as a pain remedy for dogs, should be administered in the form of tincture or tea. As for the dosage, ½ teaspoon of the strong tea or 12 drops should be given per 20 pounds of body weight. This should be repeated twice every day.
The anti-inflammatory effects of this remedy can be attributed to Glycyrrhizin, one of its constituents. Glycyrrhizin has a similar chemical structure to natural corticosteroids secreted by the adrenal glands. It is one of the natural pain remedies that do not affect the immune system. It should be used topically to alleviate joint swelling and pain associated with arthritis.
Ginger is known to have antispasmodic properties. As such, it is a good remedy for pain in the lower back and the stomach. For this purpose, fresh ginger is one of the best pain medications for dogs. In addition to this, ginger may also be converted into a poultice and used as a remedy for muscle strains and pains.
The anti-inflammatory effects of this herb may be compared to those of cortisone. In addition to being safe for use in dogs, it is effective in treating arthritis. It may also be used as a dietary supplement for the dogs by sprinkling it over their food.
Yucca contains a component referred to as saponin. This component has anti-inflammatory properties. Yucca may also be used to stimulate the production of cortical-steroids in dogs. It is also effective in curing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Yucca is safer when compared to synthetic drugs that produce the same effects.
Owing to one of its constituents, known as capsaisin, cayenne can boost blood circulation and stop pain. Additionally, it can also boost the anti-inflammatory mediators in the body around the area of application. In its cream or ointment forms, it is one of the commonly used remedy for pain associated with arthritis.
Skullcap and St. John’s Wort
While each of these herbs may be used individually as pain medications for dogs, they are more effective when used together. They are effective in regions where the nerves have been affected. As such, they are commonly used in areas that are rich in nerve endings. For application, they should be mixed in equal proportions and administered in a dosage of 12 drops per 20 lbs of body weight, three times a day.
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