If the report of the Centers for Disease Control is anything to go by, influenza viruses have continued to hold 41 states to ransom. Have you had your flu shot this year? That is good, but make sure you get another shot next year. But, never forget the fact that every other virus leads to some respiratory sicknesses such as para-influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, etc. Also do not forget some bacteria like Streptococcus.
In spite of the large variety of very infectious microorganisms found in the world today, you are healthy to a very reasonable extent in most times. This is due to the ability of your immune system to defend you from invasive microbes that cause diseases in your body. Now, you have a role to play to make sure the ability of your immune system to protect you against diseases is enhanced. This article is dedicated to helping you learn new things on how to boost immune system.

How to Boost Immune System: 7 Scientific Methods You Shouldn't Miss
Eat Right
Drinking or eating a lot of sugar reduces the ability of the immune system to fight disease-causing bacteria. This can happen some hours after taking sugary drinks and beverages.
Make sure you eat more of veggies and fruits, which are known to contain Vitamins like C and E, and other important nutrients like zinc or beta-carotene. Go for different fruits and vegetables that come in a wide variety of colors, such as apples, berries, carrots, citrus fruits, kale, kiwi, onions, red grapes, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
Some other foods that can benefit your immune system are fresh garlic, known for its ability to fight off bacteria and viruses, as well as some old-fashioned chicken soups. According to one study, a bowl of ancient chicken soup can help you beat flu or cold very fast.
Other foods that can help your immune system are mushroom varieties like shiitake.
Get Adequate Sleep
It has been discovered that getting adequate sleep can stimulate and energize the human immune system, while not getting enough sleep does the very opposite. According to a journal on Clinical Neuropsychiatry, major negative effects on the functions of the immune system can be noticed after some days of absolute sleep deprivation or several days of incomplete sleep deprivation. The National Institute of health recommends between 7-8 hours of sleep for the average adult per night. Some people, however, need as low as 5 hours or as high as 10 hours of sleep per night. To get adequate sleep, skip caffeinated drinks and other such stimulants like decongestants, alcohol and tobacco as much as possible. Inasmuch as alcohol helps you fall into a light sleep, it however disturbs the REM stage and other deeper stages during sleep. These disturbed stages act as the restorative stages.
Exercise Regularly
One of the greatest and most effective ways to live a healthy lifestyle and one popular tip on how to boost immune system is to engage in regular exercises. This is due to the ability of these exercises to improve your cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure, regulate body weight, and helps keep the body protected against several diseases. Most people ask if engaging in regular physical exercises can actually help the immune system and the simple answer is, yes. Just like your body benefits from a very healthy diet, engaging in regular physical exercises can boost your overall health and immunity. It does this by boosting effective blood circulation, which helps the substances in the immune system and body cells circulate freely all through the body to perform their tasks more effectively.
Live a Healthy Life
Choosing a healthy lifestyle is the first thing you must do when it comes to how to boost immune system. The single most effective way to boost your immune system is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow guidelines that optimize good health. When given adequate protection from environmental hazards, all parts of your body are known to function maximally. Below are some of the ways to live a healthier life:
Do not smoke
Maintain a very healthy weight.
Keep your blood pressure under control.
If you must drink alcohol, drink it only in moderation.
Get the right medical checks recommended for people within your age bracket and risk group.
Washing your hands very often removes germs. Covering your coughs ad sneezes help control the spread of diseases.
Manage Stress
Between the whole fender benders, marital problems, work deadlines, and very hectic schedules, it is quite possible to keep stress away from your life. But in all, the way you react to these stress boosters make a huge impact on your general health and wellbeing. Solving problems as they arise as opposed to sweeping them under the carpet for a later date will help you beat stress when it is still at a manageable stage. When such stresses are allowed to become chronic, they can lead to some serious health issues. The National Institute of Health says that hormones such as cortisol that are produced during times of intense stress can increase the risks of obesity, cancer, heart disease, and several other such serious illnesses.
There are two ways these stress-induced hormones work: They either switch off the white blood cells that are responsible for fighting diseases or trigger a hyper immune system. This puts you at a higher risk of suffering auto-immune illnesses. So make sure you device means to de-stress yourself as often as possible during the week. You can choose from things like physical exercises, yoga, meditation, or taking very relaxing baths.
Pay Attention To Your Feeling
Having a very strong relationship and stable social network can do you some good.
According to studies, people who love spending time with friends, whether a few inner circle friends or large groups have stronger immune systems than people who stay on their own all the time.
In one college study, freshmen who had better connection with their friends were found to respond better to flu vaccines than people who stay alone.
Though several other factors have great effects on your health, it is always advisable to maintain a healthy connection with friends.
Always Be Skeptical
There are several products out there that claim to help boost your immune levels. But scientifically, this concept of helping you boost your body's immunity does not make much sense. As a matter of fact, increasing the number of cells your body contains, whether immune cells or not cannot claim to be a good thing.
There are different forms of complications that come with trying to boost your immune systems because your immune system contains different types of cells and these cells respond differently to different microbes. Knowing the right cells to boost and the ones to leave as they were can be a source of uncertainty. No scientific evidence exists on which cells should be boosted to enable the body functions maximally.
If you notice any disturbing symptoms or worrisome signs, make sure you notify your doctor as soon as possible. If you experience abdominal pains that make it hard for you to sit comfortably for a while, drive straight to your doctor.
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