Swollen vaginal area can be caused by many reasons. Get to know 5 common causes and 5 less common ones. Besides, treatments for swollen vaginal area will be also discussed.
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My private area has been irritated and it's very swollen there is no discharge or a smell its just irritated and swollen and sometimes it starts to feel very warm. can you please tell me what to do? i really need help.
please help..... my vagina feels like i am being stabbed it hurts to walk or to sit or do anything that includes anything coming in contact with my vagina. i can't sit certain ways or lay certain ways. the muscle of the opening of my vagina is extremely swollen. please help i need relief!!!
I am 15 and my vagina has been itching, then I noticed both sides are swollen. I live with my father and I am not comfortable to tell him..please give MW some advice..I can barley walk and it's very uncomfortable.
Hi help! So I'm only 13 and the right lip of my vagina is swollen and irritated.. I don't know what to do, I'm uncomfortable telling my mum and I can't tell my dad either!
Hi I'm 14 and as of 3 days ago my right vagina lip lmao (lip that's funny) anyway has become swollen and it itches and hurts. I have good hygiene down there and I know don't have an std. I have tried everything HELP email me at josephine01martinez @gmail.Com if you have any info
Only the right side is swollen, any ideas of what's wrong? It hurts a lot as well. Email me please at Juliephillips05@gmail.com Thank you
Hello, yesterday I felt something down there like a rash, and when i went to the restroom and checked it, the area was a bit swollen i applies some vaseline petroleum jelly and thought it will heal. But today it's still there. It does hurt a little bit. It's not red. It has been there for 2 days (today is the second day) and tomorrow is my period date. I am just 14 and don't want to tell anyone about this (I don't feel comfortable telling someone about this. Please held me, my email is, dhillonhousehold@gmail.com And there is a bit of fluid like i get normally. Please HELP ME I am Jasmine. Thanks
My boyfriend and I got a bit rough and now the inside of my vagina has swollen up (not the lips but literally right inside my vagina has swollen) and I'm not sure if it's serious and something I should worry about or not? It could be from being too rough with each other but we had sex early yesterday morning and the swelling still hasn't gone down. What should I do?
Hi Uh..Well..My right labia minor is swollen and it's not in front of my vagina , It's on top I guess.There is a disease but it said it is to be swollen or whatever in front of the vagina and mine isn't. I'm really scared. It does hurt sometimes but not always.
I'm 12 and I have straddle injury and it feels like 5 forces in my private and I have cycle but I wasn't on it and this all started happening on veterans day and then a whole bottle full of blood came rushing out and got all over my bed. I masturbate and the day this happened I didn't masturbate at all. What's going on?plzz tell me why this could be happening